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5 Impulse Examples In Daily Life | Physics

impulse examples in physics and daily life | Impulsive forces examples in physics

Top 5 Impulse Examples In Daily Life | Impulsive Force Examples In Physics

Here are the top 5 impulse examples in daily life in physics.

  1. Car Crash

  2. A cricket player draws his hand back while catching a ball

  3. Jumping on Sand

  4. Swing a baseball

  5. Jumping on a trampoline

What is Impulse In Physics?

  • In physics, the impulse is like a push or a pull that changes how something is moving. It happens when a large force is applied to an object over a certain amount of time.

    The formula for impulse is Impulse = Force × Time.

    Force varies during the time of impact, therefore, average force (Fav) is taken into account.
  • Example: Imagine kicking a ball. The force you use and how long your foot is in contact with the ball both affect how fast the ball goes and in which direction. The kick’s impulse is what makes the ball change its momentum (how it’s moving).
  • Impulse is closely connected to momentum. The more force you use and the longer you apply it, the bigger the change in momentum.
  • The unit of impulse is Newton-Second. The unit of impulse and linear momentum are the same.
  • Understanding impulse is essential in explaining things like why car crashes happen the way they do or how balls bounce off each other. It’s a useful concept in physics for figuring out how things move and interact with each other.

Now let’s dive into our top 5 impulse examples in everyday life in physics.

5 Impulse Examples In Daily Life Explained | Physics

3 Impulsive Forces Examples In Physics | Impulse Examples In Daily Life3 Impulsive Forces Examples In Physics | Impulse Examples In Daily Life
Watch this interesting video related to impulsive forces in physics.

I am certain that the concept of impulse is clear to you now. If not, you can comment below. Let us now move on to our top 5 examples of the impulsive force in physics & in real life.

  1. Car Crash:
    car crash impulse examples in physics and daily life

    In a car crash, impulsive forces come into play as vehicles collide. When two cars collide, the forces involved act over a short period, leading to a rapid change in momentum. The force of impact during a crash determines the severity of damage and the resulting motion of the vehicles.

    Airbags and seatbelts are designed to mitigate the effects of these impulsive forces, providing protection to occupants by extending the time over which the forces act, reducing the overall impact on the passengers.

  2. A cricket or baseball player draws his hand back while catching a ball:

    Catching a ball impulse examples in physics and daily life

    When a fielder draws their hand back while catching a cricket ball, they are extending the time over which the catch occurs. This action helps reduce the impulsive force exerted on the ball.

    By gradually slowing down the ball’s momentum, the fielder lessens the impact force and increases the chances of a successful catch.

    This technique showcases an understanding of impulse, allowing the fielder to control the deceleration of the ball, making the catch more effective and minimizing the risk of dropping it due to a sudden, strong force.

  3. Jumping on Sand

    Jumping on road. Impulsive forces examples in daily life in physics

    When jumping on sand, impulsive forces affect the interaction between your feet and the soft surface. As you land, the sand provides resistance, extending the time of contact.

    This increased time reduces the impulsive force on your body, making the landing more gradual compared to a hard surface.

    The sand cushions the impact, spreading the force over a more extended period. This mechanism protects your joints and minimizes the risk of injury by moderating the impulsive forces associated with jumping and landing.

  4. Swing a Baseball Bat

    baseball swing

    Swinging a bat in baseball involves the application of impulsive forces. As a player swings the bat, they accelerate it through the air, imparting a force to the ball upon contact.

    The impulsive force determines the speed and direction of the ball, crucial for hits, home runs, or various playing strategies.

    The duration of contact between the bat and the ball affects the magnitude of the force, showcasing the principles of impulse.

    Skilled batters optimize the timing and technique of their swing to control these impulsive forces, influencing the outcome of their hits during a baseball game.

  5. Jumping on a trampoline:

    jumping on trampoline

    When a person jumps, the trampoline’s surface provides resistance, pushing back against the downward force.

    The interaction between the jumper and the trampoline occurs over a short period, creating impulsive forces that influence the upward motion.

    The elasticity of the trampoline material allows for rapid deceleration and acceleration, resulting in a bouncing effect.

    The impulsive forces determine the height and intensity of each jump, showcasing the physics of momentum and impulse. The trampoline’s design mitigates the impact on the body, making it a safer and more enjoyable activity.

References – Momentum And Impulse

  • Khan Academy: Momentum & Impulse

    If you are interested in learning about impulse, this Khan Academy article could be a valuable educational resource to explore.

Recommended Read:

Newton’s First Law of Motion Examples
Newton’s Second Law of Motion Examples

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