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Distance time graph for uniform motion

distance time graph for uniform motion featured
  1. Distance-time graph for uniform motion
    Uniform motion graph

Distance time graph for uniform motion | Uniform motion graph | Draw distance time graph for uniform motion
Time – X-Axis,
Distance – Y-Axis

Distance time graph for uniform motion

  • If we draw a distance-time graph for uniform motion, then it will be a straight line. (As you can see above)
  • A distance-time graph is used to show the distance traveled and the time taken to travel on graph paper.
  • In the above Graph, the time taken is shown on X-axis.
    And, distance traveled is shown on Y-axis.
  1. Draw distance-time graph for uniform motion

For better understanding, we can take an example.

  • Example: A car is running at a constant speed of 10 meters every two seconds. It means that it will cover equal distances of 10 meters, every two seconds, so its motion will be uniform.

Let’s plot the above parameters on a graph.

  • Time on the X axis.
  • Distance traveled on the Y axis
distance time graph for uniform motion

Recommended Read: What is uniform motion? Definition, Graph & Examples

  1. Some Examples Related to Uniform Motion

rotation of earth uniform motion example

The very first one in my list of 11 uniform motion examples in real life is the rotation of the earth around its axis. If you are wondering how? then, let me tell you how.

  • The rotation of the earth is Uniform Motion as it keeps happening over a period of time at a constant speed in a continuous process.
  • The Earth’s axis runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. It takes the Earth 24 hours (Actual: 23 hours, 56 minutes), or one day, to make one complete rotation around this invisible line. As the Earth rotates, each area of its surface gets a turn to face and be warmed by the sun.
  1. Revolution/ orbital motion of Earth around the sun
revolution of earth uniform motion example
  • Earth revolves in orbit around the sun for 365 days, 6 hours, and 9 minutes with reference to the stars, at a speed ranging from 29.29 to 30.29 km/s. The 6 hours, and 9 minutes add up to about an extra day every fourth year, which is designated a leap year, with the extra day added as February 29th.
  • The Earth travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun. It travels at roughly 67,000 miles per hour (or 18.5 miles a second), on this path.
  • This speed of the earth’s orbital motion or to make one revolution always remains constant. As a result, the Earth travels equal distances in fixed intervals of time. It does not happen that the Earth revolves around the sun in 100 days one time and then in 365 days the next time around. Here the earth covers equal distance in equal intervals of time.
  1. Movements of hands of a clock
movement of clock examples of uniform motion
  • The distance traveled by the hands of a clock is fixed in fixed intervals of time. This means, that when an hour hand moves one unit distance, we say one hour has passed. When a second’s hand moves one unit we say 5 seconds have passed.
  • Since this movement is uniform we are able to find the time. What if it moved one unit in 5 seconds and the other in 1 second, then we would be never able to guess time.
  1. An airplane cruising at a steady speed
airplane crossing examples of uniform motion example
  • Similar to the car on a long drive, an airplane in the sky can easily travel at a uniform speed. An aircraft at a steady speed travels at a uniform speed, which means it travels equal distances in fixed intervals of time.
  • Certain factors like turbulence, turning, landing, etc may cause some deviation in speeds which is non-uniform. But, in constant speed conditions while cruising we can consider it to be an example of uniform motion.
  • When a plane takes off, it starts from zero. But when it is flying in the sky at the desired altitude and speed, this is the time when it can fly at a steady-state uniform motion.
  • Also while landing, it will again go back to its non-uniform speed.

Recommended Read: 11 Uniform Motion Examples In Real Life


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