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Tense Worksheet For Class 1 With Answers

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Tense Worksheet For Class 1 With Answers
Tense Exercise For Grade 1

Before going directly into the tense worksheet for class 1, it might be a good idea first to understand What is Tense in brief?

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Tenses (Present, Past & Future)

Tense is a grammatical concept that refers to the time frame in which an action or event takes place. In English, there are three main tenses: past, present, and future. Here are some simple examples.

    1. Past tense: This tense is used to describe actions or events that have already happened.
      Example: Yesterday, I played with my friends.
    2. Present tense: This tense is used to describe actions or events that are currently happening or ongoing.
      Example: I am playing with my friends now.
    3. Future tense: This tense is used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future.
      Example: Tomorrow, I will play with my friends.

Sentence Formation

The formation of sentences in English generally follows a subject-verb-object structure, although other sentence structures are also possible.

Here is a brief overview of sentence formation for the three main tenses in English.

  1. Past tense: To form a sentence in the past tense, use the simple past tense of the verb. Add -ed to regular verbs, or use the second form of irregular verbs. The basic sentence structure is subject + past tense verb + object.
    For example: “She played tennis yesterday.”
  2. Present tense: To form a sentence in the present tense, use the base form of the verb. The basic sentence structure is subject + present tense verb + object.
    For example: “I eat breakfast every morning.”
  3. Future tense: To form a sentence in the future tense, use “will” + the base form of the verb, or use “be going to” + the base form of the verb. The basic sentence structure is subject + future tense verb + object.
    For example: “They will travel to Paris next week.”

Now let’s move on to the Simple present tense exercise for grade 1. We have also provided printable worksheets, you can download them also for your personal use.

Tense Worksheet For Class 1 With Answers

  1. Choose the correct verb form in simple future tense to complete the sentence.

simple future tense worksheet 1 for class 1 with answers

  1. I __________ (will read / am reading) a book before going to bed tonight.

  2. He __________ (will play / is playing) with his toy car tomorrow.

  3. We __________ (will go / are going) to the beach next weekend.

  4. They __________ (will watch / are watching) a movie tonight.

  5. The dog __________ (will bark / is barking) at the mailman tomorrow.

  6. She __________ (will eat / is eating) breakfast before school tomorrow.

  7. We __________ (will have / are having) a picnic in the park next weekend.

  8. He __________ (will take / is taking) his math test on Monday.

  9. They __________ (will go / are going) to the zoo next month.

  1. Rewrite the following sentences in the simple past tense:

  • I play with my toys every day. –> ____________________________________________________________________

  • She walks to school in the morning. –> ____________________________________________________________________

  • We eat breakfast together as a family. –> ____________________________________________________________________

  • He reads a book before bedtime. –> ____________________________________________________________________

  • They go to the beach every summer. –> ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Rearrange the words in each sentence to form a correct sentence in the present tense.

  1. cat the black sleeps

  2. my play I guitar

  3. walk to the park I every day

  4. the book reads she every day

  5. fast runs the cheetah

  6. to school go I every day

  7. the dog barks loudly

  8. to the store goes she every morning

  9. the flowers water I every day

  10. the birds sing beautifully in the morning

Tense Worksheet For Class 1 Solutions

  1. Choose the correct verb form in simple future tense to complete the sentence.
  1. I will read a book before going to bed tonight.

Explanation: The correct verb form for the simple future tense is “will + verb”. In this sentence, the action of reading a book is scheduled for tonight, so the correct verb form is “will read”.

  1. He will play with his toy car tomorrow.

Explanation: Again, the action of playing with a toy car is scheduled for tomorrow, so the correct verb form is “will play”.

  1. We will go to the beach next weekend.

Explanation: Here, the action of going to the beach is scheduled for next weekend, so the correct verb form is “will go”.

  1. They will watch a movie tonight.

Explanation: The action of watching a movie is scheduled for tonight, so the correct verb form is “will watch”.

  1. The dog will bark at the mailman tomorrow.

Explanation: The action of barking at the mailman is scheduled for tomorrow, so the correct verb form is “will bark”.

  1. She will eat breakfast before school tomorrow.

Explanation: The action of eating breakfast is scheduled for before school tomorrow, so the correct verb form is “will eat”.

  1. We will have a picnic in the park next weekend.

Explanation: The action of having a picnic in the park is scheduled for next weekend, so the correct verb form is “will have”.

  1. He will take his math test on Monday.

Explanation: The action of taking the math test is scheduled for Monday, so the correct verb form is “will take”.

  1. They will go to the zoo next month.

Explanation: The action of going to the zoo is scheduled for next month, so the correct verb form is “will go”.

  1. Rewrite the following sentences in the simple past tense:

  1. I play with my toys every day. –> I played with my toys yesterday.

  2. She walks to school in the morning. –> She walked to school this morning.

  3. We eat breakfast together as a family. –> We ate breakfast together this morning.

  4. He reads a book before bedtime. –> He read a book before bedtime.

  5. They go to the beach every summer. –> They went to the beach last summer.

In the above section, students are given a sentence in present tense and must rewrite it in simple past tense based on the context of the sentence.

For example, in the first sentence, “play” is in the present tense, so we must change it to “played” to match the past tense of “yesterday.”

  1. Rearrange the words in each sentence to form a correct sentence in the present tense.

  1. cat the black sleeps
    Answer: The black cat sleeps.
    Explanation: In a simple sentence in the present tense, the subject comes first, followed by the verb and then the object.
  2. my play I guitar
    Answer: I play the guitar.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “I” comes first, followed by the verb “play” and then the object “guitar”.
  3. walk to the park I every day
    Answer: I walk to the park every day.
    Explanation: The subject “I” comes first, followed by the verb “walk”, followed by the prepositional phrase “to the park”, and finally the adverb “every day”.
  4. the book reads she every day
    Answer: She reads the book every day.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “she” comes first, followed by the verb “reads”, followed by the object “the book”, and finally the adverb “every day”.
  5. fast runs the cheetah
    Answer: The cheetah runs fast.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “the cheetah” comes first, followed by the verb “runs”, and then the adverb “fast”.
  6. to school go I every day
    Answer: I go to school every day.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “I” comes first, followed by the verb “go”, followed by the prepositional phrase “to school”, and finally the adverb “every day”.
  7. the dog barks loudly
    Answer: The dog barks loudly.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “the dog” comes first, followed by the verb “barks”, and then the adverb “loudly”.
  8. to the store goes she every morning
    Answer: She goes to the store every morning.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “she” comes first, followed by the verb “goes”, followed by the prepositional phrase “to the store”, and finally the adverb “every morning”.
  9. the flowers water I every day
    Answer: I water the flowers every day.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “I” comes first, followed by the verb “water”, followed by the object “the flowers”, and finally the adverb “every day”.
  10. the birds sing beautifully in the morning
    Answer: The birds sing beautifully in the morning.
    Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “the birds” comes first, followed by the verb “sing”, followed by the adverb “beautifully”, and finally the prepositional phrase “in the morning”.

Tense Worksheet For Class 1 Solutions
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Solutions are given along with an explanation.

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