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13 Easy Vertical Motion Examples In Physics and real life

vertical motion examples in physics and in real life featured

Vertical Motion Examples In physics
projectile Motion (Included)

Examples of Vertical Motion In Physics

Here are the top 13 vertical motion Examples In physics and in real life.

  1. Bouncing Ball
  2. Elevator ride
  3. Water fountain
  4. Roller Coaster
  5. A diver jumps off a diving board
  6. Skydiving
  7. Rock Climbing
  8. Waterfalls
  9. Bungee Jumping
  10. The person slides down a water slide
  11. Space Shuttle
  12. River Dams
  13. Bike Suspension

From projectiles in motion to objects falling under the influence of gravity, vertical motion plays an important role in the field of physics.

In this blog post, we will explore 13 perfect examples of vertical motion in physics that illustrate how this type of motion affects the world around us.

But before you read any further, it might be a good idea to briefly understand verticle projectile motion. It will help you to understand the examples better. If you are already familiar with the concept, you can skip it by clicking on the link below.


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Vertical Motion In Brief With Example

Vertical motion refers to the motion of an object or particle in the vertical direction, either upward or downward. An example of vertical motion is a ball being thrown straight up into the air.

negative acceleration examples in physics A ball is thrown upwards:


When the ball is thrown, it experiences an initial upward force that propels it into the air. As it travels upward, the force of gravity begins to act on the ball, pulling it back down toward the ground.


13 Vertical Projectile Motion Examples In Physics Explained

5 Easy Vertical Motion Examples In Physics & In Real Life5 Easy Vertical Motion Examples In Physics & In Real Life
Watch this short video to learn examples related to vertical motion.

I am sure that the concept of vertical projectile motion is clear to you now. If not, you can check the reference provided at the end. Now, Let us move on to 13 vertical projectile motion examples in daily life.


  1. Bouncing Ball:

    bouncing ball vertical projectile motion examples

    When a ball is dropped or thrown, it experiences vertical motion as it travels up and down due to the force of gravity and the elasticity of the ball. As the ball falls toward the ground, it acquires potential energy, and as it bounces back up, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The height the ball bounces back to is dependent on the force it hits the ground and the elasticity of the ball.

  2. Elevator ride:


    When an elevator moves up or down a building, it experiences vertical motion due to the force of gravity and the acceleration of the elevator. You might have experienced that, as the elevator moves upwards, people might feel heavier due to the increase in the gravitational force acting on them. Conversely, as the elevator moves downwards, people feel lighter due to the decrease in gravitational force.

  3. Water fountain:

    water fountain

    When water is pumped through a fountain, it experiences vertical motion as it shoots up into the air and falls back down due to the force of gravity.

  4. Roller Coaster:

    roller coaster climbing

    When a roller coaster increases and down hills, it experiences vertical motion due to the force of gravity and its speed. As the roller coaster climbs up a hill, its potential energy increases, and as it goes down, its kinetic energy increases.

  5. A diver jumps off a diving board:

    motion with constant acceleration examples in real life

    When a diver jumps off a diving board, they experience vertical motion as they fall towards the water due to the force of gravity. Their speed, the height of the board, and the force of gravity affect the diver’s motion.

  6. Skydiving:

     When a skydiver jumps out of a plane, they experience free-fall motion due to the force of gravity. The skydiver accelerates downwards at a constant rate until they reach terminal velocity, where the air resistance and gravity are balanced, and they fall at a constant speed.

  7. Rock Climbing:

    rock climbing

     When a climber ascends a cliff or wall, they experience vertical motion due to the force of gravity and their body weight. The climber must use their strength and technique to overcome the force of gravity and reach the top.

  8. Waterfalls:


     When water falls off a cliff or over a ledge, it experiences vertical motion due to the force of gravity. The height and speed of the waterfall are dependent on the height of the cliff or ledge, the volume of water, and the force of gravity.

  9. Bungee Jumping:

    bungee jumping examples of vertical motion in real life in physics

    When a person jumps off a platform with a bungee cord attached, they experience vertical motion as they fall toward the ground and are pulled back up by the cord. Their weight, the length of the bungee cord, and the force of gravity affect the person’s motion.

  10. The person slides down a water slide:

    water diving vertical motion example in physics

     When a person slides down a water slide, they experience vertical motion as they go up and down the curves and turns. The person’s motion is affected by their speed, the design of the slide, and the force of gravity. The person must control their body position to maintain their balance.

  11. Space Shuttle:

    examples of law of acceleration in real life

    The Space Shuttle is a spacecraft designed to be launched vertically into space and to return to Earth through a controlled descent. During the launch, the shuttle experiences vertical motion as it accelerates upwards due to the force of the rocket engines and the gravitational pull of the Earth.

  12. River Dams:

    waterfall example of vertical projectile motion in real life

    When the water is released from the river dam, it experiences vertical motion as it falls from the height of the dam to the level of the river below. This motion is harnessed to generate hydroelectric power by spinning turbines connected to generators.

  13. Bike Suspension:

    bike suspension vertical projectile motion examples in real life

    When a bike encounters a bump or obstacle, the wheels experience a vertical force that causes them to move upwards. Without suspension, this force would be transmitted directly to the rider, resulting in a jarring and uncomfortable experience.


  1. Galileo’s Experiments – Galileo was one of the first scientists to study the motion of projectiles. He conducted experiments that helped him understand how projectiles behave, and he developed a theory of projectile motion.

    You can learn more about his experiments and theories at this link:

  2. Trajectory – Trajectory is the path that a projectile takes through the air. It is determined by the angle and speed at which the projectile is launched, as well as the force of gravity.

    You can learn more about trajectory and how it relates to projectile motion at this link:

You have finished the complete article related to 13 real-life vertical motion examples in physics. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to comment below. We will respond as soon as possible.

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